Friday, September 8, 2017

Telemann, Concerto à sei in G major

This concerto is labelled "à sei" or "for six," meaning six-part strings plus continuo. It is written in the common sonata da chiesa design (slow-fast-slow-fast). Its opening adagio is of interest to us. Only parts were available through IMSLP; the score below is my effort at notation.

Despite a three-fold cadence to the upper register G5 (see bars 20-21, 24-26, 27-29), it seems to me that this is one of those pieces with a stable tonal frame from the outset. I take that frame to be the sixth ^3/^8, or B4-G5 -- see the box in bar 4. The subsequent boxes in the score trace pertinent sixths through the movement. Note that, in the most traditional fashion, the sixths become an octave to close -- see the two ** in bars 26 & 29.