Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Two hymns from an 18th century service manual

"Das Grab ist leer, der Held erwacht" is an Easter hymn published in the Landshuter Gesangbuch in 1777. The editors of the volume were presumably responsible for the unsigned music and text: Norbert Hauner and Franz Seraph von Kohlbrenner. This hymn became quite popular and remained so through the nineteenth century. The version below is a duple meter variant published in 1874. The opening of the original triple-meter version is reproduced at the bottom of this post.

The design of the opening holds for the entire verse, in melodic shape a proto-background ^3-^8, as shown below (though possibly ^3-^5-^8, as suggested by the ^5 in parentheses), the line being a neighbor ^8-^7-^8, which might possibly be heard as a double neighbor figure depending on the details of a particular harmonization.

Below: The opening of the 1777 version, which clearly combines the heroic and pastoral topics. The F#5 in bar 6 is a hint of what follows (not shown), where I would find ^3 to be plausible focal tone.

Reference: Wikipedia page for "Das Grab ist leer": link.